
class MVaultRecord implements JsonSerializable

Class MVaultRecord

Represents a response from the MVault API. Required fields should mirror the fields that exist in an MVault response. These fields only need be present in the value passed in for parsing, they do not need to have actual values and may be null.

Date fields must be able to be parsed. If a date field fails to parse then the entire record is considered invalid. There is one caveat to this rule for the activation_date field. The activation date is also allowed to be null, in which case it is a valid date field that can not be parsed. If the activation date contains a truthy value though, then it must be able to be parsed.




DATEFORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z';


public static MVaultResult fromJSON(string $record) No description
public static MVaultResult fromArray(array $record) No description
public static MVaultResult fromStdClass(stdClass $record) No description
public array toArray() No description
public stdClass toStdClass() No description
public int getGracePeriod() Gets an integer representation of the grace period end date.
public int getCreateDate() Gets an integer representation of the record creation date.
public int getUpdateDate() Gets an integer representation of the record last updated date.
public string getFirstName() Gets the first name stored in the Mvault record.
public string getLastName() Gets the last name stored in the Mvault record.
public string|null getOffer() Gets the offer assigned to the MVault record.
public string|null getNotes() Gets the optional notes field of the MVault record.
public string getMembershipId() Gets the membership id of the MVault record.
public int getStartDate() Gets an integer representation of the record start date
public bool isStatusOn() Gets the boolean status of the Status toggle of the MVault record.
public string getToken() Gets the token string of the MVault record.
public string|null getAdditionalMetadata() Gets the optional additional metadata field of the MVault record.
public int|null getActivationDate() Gets an integer representation of the activation start date. This value may be null, representing that the record has not been activated.
public bool isProvisional() Gets the boolean status of the Provisional toggle of the MVault record.
public int getExpireDate() Gets an integer representation of the record expiration date
public string|null getEmail() Gets the email stored in the Mvault record.
public PBSProfile|null getPBSProfile() Gets the object representing the PBS profile sub-request that is made for activate MVault records. This may return null in the case that the MVault record has not yet been activated.
public bool isActivated() Gets the boolean activation of the MVault record.
public mixed jsonSerialize() No description


at line 184


public static MVaultResult fromJSON(string $record)


string $record

Return Value

at line 197


public static MVaultResult fromArray(array $record)


array $record

Return Value

at line 212


public static MVaultResult fromStdClass(stdClass $record)


stdClass $record

Return Value

at line 286


public array toArray()

Return Value

at line 311


public stdClass toStdClass()

Return Value

at line 320


public int getGracePeriod()

Gets an integer representation of the grace period end date.

Return Value

at line 329


public int getCreateDate()

Gets an integer representation of the record creation date.

Return Value

at line 338


public int getUpdateDate()

Gets an integer representation of the record last updated date.

Return Value

at line 347


public string getFirstName()

Gets the first name stored in the Mvault record.

Return Value

at line 356


public string getLastName()

Gets the last name stored in the Mvault record.

Return Value

at line 365


public string|null getOffer()

Gets the offer assigned to the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 374


public string|null getNotes()

Gets the optional notes field of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 383


public string getMembershipId()

Gets the membership id of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 392


public int getStartDate()

Gets an integer representation of the record start date

Return Value

at line 401


public bool isStatusOn()

Gets the boolean status of the Status toggle of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 410


public string getToken()

Gets the token string of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 419


public string|null getAdditionalMetadata()

Gets the optional additional metadata field of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 429


public int|null getActivationDate()

Gets an integer representation of the activation start date. This value may be null, representing that the record has not been activated.

Return Value

at line 438


public bool isProvisional()

Gets the boolean status of the Provisional toggle of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 447


public int getExpireDate()

Gets an integer representation of the record expiration date

Return Value

at line 456


public string|null getEmail()

Gets the email stored in the Mvault record.

Return Value

at line 467


public PBSProfile|null getPBSProfile()

Gets the object representing the PBS profile sub-request that is made for activate MVault records. This may return null in the case that the MVault record has not yet been activated.

Return Value

at line 476


public bool isActivated()

Gets the boolean activation of the MVault record.

Return Value

at line 483


public mixed jsonSerialize()

Return Value


Source code


namespace LibMVault;

use LibMVault\Result\MVaultResult;

 * Class MVaultRecord
 * Represents a response from the MVault API. Required fields should mirror the
 * fields that exist in an MVault response. These fields only need be present in
 * the value passed in for parsing, they do not need to have actual values and
 * may be null.
 * Date fields must be able to be parsed. If a date field fails to parse then
 * the entire record is considered invalid. There is one caveat to this rule for
 * the activation_date field. The activation date is also allowed to be null,
 * in which case it is a valid date field that can not be parsed. If the
 * activation date contains a truthy value though, then it must be able to be
 * parsed.
 * @package LibMVault
class MVaultRecord implements \JsonSerializable {

   * @var array
  const REQUIRED = [
    'first_name', 'last_name', 'create_date', 'grace_period', 'update_date',
    'offer', 'membership_id', 'start_date', 'status', 'token',
    'provisional', 'expire_date', 'activation_date', 'notes', 'email',
    'pbs_profile', 'additional_metadata'

   * @var array
  const REQUIRED_DATES = [
    'grace_period', 'update_date', 'create_date',
    'start_date', 'expire_date'

   * @var string
  const DATEFORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z';

   * @var integer
  private $_gracePeriod;

   * @var integer
  private $_createDate;

   * @var integer
  private $_updateDate;

   * @var string
  private $_firstName;

   * @var string
  private $_lastName;

   * @var string
  private $_offer;

   * @var string|null
  private $_notes;

   * @var string
  private $_membershipId;

   * @var integer
  private $_startDate;

   * @var bool
  private $_status;

   * @var string
  private $_token;

   * @var string|null
  private $_additionalMetadata;

   * @var int|null
  private $_activationDate;

   * @var bool
  private $_provisional;

   * @var integer
  private $_expireDate;

   * @var string|null
  private $_email;

   * @var PBSProfile|null
  private $_pbsProfile;

   * MVaultRecord constructor.
   * @param int $gracePeriod
   * @param int $updateDate
   * @param string $firstName
   * @param string $lastName
   * @param int $createDate
   * @param string $offer
   * @param string $membershipId
   * @param int $startDate
   * @param bool $status
   * @param string $token
   * @param bool $provisional
   * @param int $expireDate
   * @param int|null $activationDate
   * @param null|string $email
   * @param null|string $notes
   * @param string|null $additionalMetadata
   * @param null|PBSProfile $profile
  private function __construct(
    int $gracePeriod, int $updateDate, string $firstName, string $lastName,
    int $createDate, ?string $offer, string $membershipId, int $startDate,
    bool $status, string $token, bool $provisional, int $expireDate,
    ?int $activationDate = null, ?string $email = null, ?string $notes = null,
    ?string $additionalMetadata = null, ?PBSProfile $profile = null
  ) {
    $this->_gracePeriod = $gracePeriod;
    $this->_updateDate = $updateDate;
    $this->_firstName = $firstName;
    $this->_lastName = $lastName;
    $this->_createDate = $createDate;
    $this->_offer = $offer;
    $this->_membershipId = $membershipId;
    $this->_startDate = $startDate;
    $this->_status = $status;
    $this->_token = $token;
    $this->_activationDate = $activationDate;
    $this->_provisional = $provisional;
    $this->_expireDate = $expireDate;
    $this->_email = $email;
    $this->_notes = $notes;
    $this->_additionalMetadata = $additionalMetadata;
    $this->_pbsProfile = $profile;

   * @param string $record
   * @return MVaultResult
  public static function fromJSON(string $record): MVaultResult {
    try {
      $parsed = ex_json_decode($record);
      return self::fromStdClass($parsed);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      return MVaultResult::err($e);

   * @param array $record
   * @return MVaultResult
  public static function fromArray(array $record): MVaultResult {

    // Records do not get terribly large, so for simplicity we encode and then
    // decode from JSON at the cost of a little performance
    try {
      return self::fromJSON(ex_json_encode($record));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      return MVaultResult::err($e);

   * @param \stdClass $record
   * @return MVaultResult
  public static function fromStdClass(\stdClass $record): MVaultResult {
    foreach (self::REQUIRED as $req) {
      if (!property_exists($record, $req)) {
        return MVaultResult::err(new \InvalidArgumentException("Malformed MVault record. {$req} field is missing."));

    $dates = [];

    foreach (self::REQUIRED_DATES as $dateField) {
      $d = strtotime($record->{$dateField});

      // Required date fields are not allowed to fail parsing. If one does then
      // the entire MVault record should be invalidated
      if ($d === false) {
        return MVaultResult::err(new \InvalidArgumentException("Malformed MVault record. {$dateField} date field is not correctly formatted."));

      $dates[$dateField] = $d;

    $activation = null;

    // Activation date is optional, but if it is present it is NOT OPTIONAL
    // that parsing of the date succeeds. If it does fail, then the record needs
    // to be invalidated
    if (isset($record->activation_date) && $record->activation_date) {
      $activation = strtotime($record->activation_date);

      if ($activation === false) {
        return MVaultResult::err(new \InvalidArgumentException("Malformed MVault record. Activation date field is not correctly formatted."));

    $profile = null;

    // Like activation dates, the PBS profile is allowed to be missing. But if
    // it exists then it must parse to a valid PBS Profile object
    if (isset($record->pbs_profile) && $record->pbs_profile) {
      $profileRes = PBSProfile::fromStdClass($record->pbs_profile);

      if ($profileRes->isError()) {
        return MVaultResult::err($profileRes->getErr());

      $profile = $profileRes->value();

    return MVaultResult::ok(
      new MVaultRecord(
        $record->status === "On",
        $record->email ?? null,
        $record->notes ?? null,
        $record->additional_metadata ?? null,

   * @return array
  public function toArray(): array {
    return [
      'grace_period' => gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getGracePeriod()),
      'update_date' => gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getUpdateDate()),
      'first_name' => $this->getFirstName(),
      'last_name' => $this->getLastName(),
      'create_date' => gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getCreateDate()),
      'offer' => $this->getOffer(),
      'membership_id' => $this->getMembershipId(),
      'start_date' => gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getStartDate()),
      'status' => $this->isStatusOn() ? "On" : "Off",
      'token' => $this->getToken(),
      'provisional' => $this->isProvisional(),
      'expire_date' => gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getExpireDate()),
      'activation_date' => $this->getActivationDate() ? gmdate(self::DATEFORMAT, $this->getActivationDate()) : null,
      'email' => $this->getEmail(),
      'notes' => $this->getNotes(),
      'additional_metadata' => $this->getAdditionalMetadata(),
      'pbs_profile' => $this->getPBSProfile() ? $this->getPBSProfile()->toArray() : null

   * @return \stdClass
  public function toStdClass(): \stdClass {
    return json_decode(json_encode($this));

   * Gets an integer representation of the grace period end date.
   * @return int
  public function getGracePeriod(): int {
    return $this->_gracePeriod;

   * Gets an integer representation of the record creation date.
   * @return int
  public function getCreateDate(): int {
    return $this->_createDate;

   * Gets an integer representation of the record last updated date.
   * @return int
  public function getUpdateDate(): int {
    return $this->_updateDate;

   * Gets the first name stored in the Mvault record.
   * @return string
  public function getFirstName(): string {
    return $this->_firstName;

   * Gets the last name stored in the Mvault record.
   * @return string
  public function getLastName(): string {
    return $this->_lastName;

   * Gets the offer assigned to the MVault record.
   * @return string|null
  public function getOffer(): ?string {
    return $this->_offer;

   * Gets the optional notes field of the MVault record.
   * @return string|null
  public function getNotes(): ?string {
    return $this->_notes;

   * Gets the membership id of the MVault record.
   * @return string
  public function getMembershipId(): string {
    return $this->_membershipId;

   * Gets an integer representation of the record start date
   * @return int
  public function getStartDate(): int {
    return $this->_startDate;

   * Gets the boolean status of the Status toggle of the MVault record.
   * @return bool
  public function isStatusOn(): bool {
    return $this->_status;

   * Gets the token string of the MVault record.
   * @return string
  public function getToken(): string {
    return $this->_token;

   * Gets the optional additional metadata field of the MVault record.
   * @return string|null
  public function getAdditionalMetadata(): ?string {
    return $this->_additionalMetadata;

   * Gets an integer representation of the activation start date. This value may
   * be null, representing that the record has not been activated.
   * @return int|null
  public function getActivationDate(): ?int {
    return $this->_activationDate;

   * Gets the boolean status of the Provisional toggle of the MVault record.
   * @return bool
  public function isProvisional(): bool {
    return $this->_provisional;

   * Gets an integer representation of the record expiration date
   * @return int
  public function getExpireDate(): int {
    return $this->_expireDate;

   * Gets the email stored in the Mvault record.
   * @return string|null
  public function getEmail(): ?string {
    return $this->_email;

   * Gets the object representing the PBS profile sub-request that is made for
   * activate MVault records. This may return null in the case that the MVault
   * record has not yet been activated.
   * @return PBSProfile|null
  public function getPBSProfile(): ?PBSProfile {
    return $this->_pbsProfile;

   * Gets the boolean activation of the MVault record.
   * @return bool
  public function isActivated(): bool {
    return $this->getPBSProfile() !== null;

   * @return mixed
  public function jsonSerialize() {
    return $this->toArray();