
class PBSProfile implements JsonSerializable

Class PBSProfile

Represents the response from the PBS Profile sub request in an activated MVault record.

A retrieval status object and a UID are always present. The remaining profile information is only required if the retrieval status object represents a successful request.





public static PBSProfileResult fromJSON(string $record) No description
public static PBSProfileResult fromArray(array $record) No description
public static PBSProfileResult fromStdClass(stdClass $record) No description
public array toArray() No description
public stdClass toStdClass() No description
public string|null getFirstName() Gets the first name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.
public string|null getLastName() Gets the last name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.
public string getPID() Gets the PID of the user that activated this MVault record. Represented by the UID field in an MVault API response.
public string|null getEmail() Gets the email of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.
public string|null getLoginProvider() Gets the login provider of the user that activated this MVault record. This is the value reported by PBS and takes one of three values: PBS, Google, or Facebook. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.
public RetrievalStatus getRetrievalStatus() Gets the retrieval status object describing the the success of the PBS profile sub-request.
public mixed jsonSerialize() No description


at line 86


public static PBSProfileResult fromJSON(string $record)


string $record

Return Value

at line 99


public static PBSProfileResult fromArray(array $record)


array $record

Return Value

at line 114


public static PBSProfileResult fromStdClass(stdClass $record)


stdClass $record

Return Value

at line 152


public array toArray()

Return Value

at line 171


public stdClass toStdClass()

Return Value

at line 182


public string|null getFirstName()

Gets the first name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.

Return Value

at line 193


public string|null getLastName()

Gets the last name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.

Return Value

at line 203


public string getPID()

Gets the PID of the user that activated this MVault record. Represented by the UID field in an MVault API response.

Return Value

at line 214


public string|null getEmail()

Gets the email of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.

Return Value

at line 226


public string|null getLoginProvider()

Gets the login provider of the user that activated this MVault record. This is the value reported by PBS and takes one of three values: PBS, Google, or Facebook. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request, otherwise null is returned.

Return Value

at line 236


public RetrievalStatus getRetrievalStatus()

Gets the retrieval status object describing the the success of the PBS profile sub-request.

Return Value

at line 243


public mixed jsonSerialize()

Return Value


Source code


namespace LibMVault;

use LibMVault\Result\PBSProfileResult;

 * Class PBSProfile
 * Represents the response from the PBS Profile sub request in an activated
 * MVault record.
 * A retrieval status object and a UID are always present. The remaining profile
 * information is only required if the retrieval status object represents a
 * successful request.
 * @package LibMVault
class PBSProfile implements \JsonSerializable {

   * @var array
  const REQUIRED = [
    'retrieval_status', 'UID'

   * @var array
    'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'login_provider'

   * @var string|null
  private $_firstName;

   * @var string|null
  private $_lastName;

   * @var string|null
  private $_pid;

   * @var string|null
  private $_email;

   * @var string|null
  private $_loginProvider;

   * @var RetrievalStatus
  private $_retrievalStatus;

   * PBSProfile constructor.
   * @param string $firstName
   * @param string $lastName
   * @param string $pid
   * @param string $email
   * @param string $loginProvider
  private function __construct(?string $firstName, ?string $lastName, ?string $pid, ?string $email, ?string $loginProvider, RetrievalStatus $status) {
    $this->_firstName = $firstName;
    $this->_lastName = $lastName;
    $this->_pid = $pid;
    $this->_email = $email;
    $this->_loginProvider = $loginProvider;
    $this->_retrievalStatus = $status;

   * @param string $record
   * @return PBSProfileResult
  public static function fromJSON(string $record): PBSProfileResult {
    try {
      $parsed = ex_json_decode($record);
      return self::fromStdClass($parsed);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      return PBSProfileResult::err($e);

   * @param array $record
   * @return PBSProfileResult
  public static function fromArray(array $record): PBSProfileResult {

    // Records do not get terribly large, so for simplicity we encode and then
    // decode from JSON at the cost of a little performance
    try {
      return self::fromJSON(ex_json_encode($record));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      return PBSProfileResult::err($e);

   * @param \stdClass $record
   * @return PBSProfileResult
  public static function fromStdClass(\stdClass $record): PBSProfileResult {
    foreach (self::REQUIRED as $req) {
      if (!property_exists($record, $req)) {
        return PBSProfileResult::err(new \InvalidArgumentException("Malformed PBS Profile. {$req} field is missing."));

    $retrievalStatusResult = RetrievalStatus::fromStdClass($record->retrieval_status);

    if ($retrievalStatusResult->isError()) {
      return PBSProfileResult::err($retrievalStatusResult->getErr());
    } else {
      $retrievalStatus = $retrievalStatusResult->value();

    if ($retrievalStatus->getStatus() === 200) {
      foreach (self::SUCCESS_REQUIRED as $req) {
        if (!property_exists($record, $req)) {
          return PBSProfileResult::err(new \InvalidArgumentException("Malformed PBS Profile. {$req} field is missing."));

    return PBSProfileResult::ok(
      new PBSProfile(
        $record->first_name ?? null,
        $record->last_name ?? null,
        $record->UID ?? null,
        $record->email ?? null,
        $record->login_provider ?? null,

   * @return array
  public function toArray(): array {
    $data = [
      'retrieval_status' => $this->getRetrievalStatus(),
      'UID' => $this->getPID()

    if ($this->getRetrievalStatus()->getStatus() === 200) {
      $data['first_name'] = $this->getFirstName();
      $data['last_name'] = $this->getLastName();
      $data['email'] = $this->getEmail();
      $data['login_provider'] = $this->getLoginProvider();

    return $data;

   * @return \stdClass
  public function toStdClass(): \stdClass {
    return json_decode(json_encode($this));

   * Gets the first name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns
   * a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request,
   * otherwise null is returned.
   * @return string|null
  public function getFirstName(): ?string {
    return $this->_firstName;

   * Gets the last name of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns
   * a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request,
   * otherwise null is returned.
   * @return string|null
  public function getLastName(): ?string {
    return $this->_lastName;

   * Gets the PID of the user that activated this MVault record. Represented by
   * the UID field in an MVault API response.
   * @return string
  public function getPID(): string {
    return $this->_pid;

   * Gets the email of the user that activated this MVault record. Returns
   * a string if this object represents a successful profile lookup request,
   * otherwise null is returned.
   * @return string|null
  public function getEmail(): ?string {
    return $this->_email;

   * Gets the login provider of the user that activated this MVault record. This
   * is the value reported by PBS and takes one of three values: PBS, Google, or
   * Facebook. Returns a string if this object represents a successful profile
   * lookup request, otherwise null is returned.
   * @return string|null
  public function getLoginProvider(): ?string {
    return $this->_loginProvider;

   * Gets the retrieval status object describing the the success of the PBS
   * profile sub-request.
   * @return RetrievalStatus
  public function getRetrievalStatus(): RetrievalStatus {
    return $this->_retrievalStatus;

   * @return mixed
  public function jsonSerialize() {
    return $this->toArray();